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Ask the Experts

Characteristics of Candidates for Tendon Transfers or FES

Anne Bryden, OTR/L

June 6, 2012

Are there specific characteristics that you look for when choosing candidates for either tendon transfers or FES implantation?   Read More

Appropriateness of The Functional Test for the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity (FTHUE) for Clients with Visual or Cognitive Deficits

Veronica T. Rowe, PhD, OTR/L, CBIST

June 6, 2012

If the client has severe visual acuity problems, perceptual deficits or cognitive deficits, does that make the FTHUE a less useful tool?   Read More


Age Parameters for Tendon Transfers and FES

Anne Bryden, OTR/L

June 6, 2012

Are there age parameters for tendon transfers or FES implantations performed on clients with spinal cord injuries?   Read More

Walking Groups for Increased Balance

Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L

May 30, 2012

Many facilities have walking groups to and from the dining room, are you aware of any other walking programs in long term care?   Read More

Use of Bedside Toilet Chairs

Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L

May 30, 2012

Do you recommend the use of bedside toilet chairs to increase safety?   Read More

Evaluating a Fall Management Program

Kathleen Weissberg, OTD, OTR/L

May 29, 2012

When evaulating a fall prevention program, how do you measure success?   Read More

Time Allowance for Workers' Compensation Cases

Amy Smith, OTR/L, CEAS, OTPP

May 25, 2012

What is the maximum time you spend working with a Workers' Compensation client?   Read More


Proper Seating for Office Ergonomics

Amy Smith, OTR/L, CEAS, OTPP

May 25, 2012

Do you recommend that a client use one good fitting chair all day or have them switch between multiple seating surfaces such as a chair and then a stability ball?   Read More

Company Compliance with Ergonomic Recommendations

Amy Smith, OTR/L, CEAS, OTPP

May 25, 2012

Do companies ever adopt your ergonomic recommendations that were made for one client and apply them "company wide"?   Read More

Contraindications for Stability Ball Use

Alicia L. Fedewa, Ph.D., NCSP, Licensed Psychologist

May 22, 2012

Are there any contraindications for implementing a stability ball within the classroom?   Read More

Screening Clients on Antidepressants with the Geriatric Depression Scale

Cathy Lysack, Ph.D., OT(C)

May 16, 2012

What are your thoughts about using the Geriatric Depression Scale to screen clients who are already on antidepressants or are receiving therapy?   Read More


Documentation for Power Wheelchairs

Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS

May 16, 2012

With all of the Medicare and Medicaid changes, do you have to complete extra documentation to get power wheelchairs and seating systems approved?   Read More

Use of the Brief Cognitive Rating Scale with Dementia Clients

Michelle Hediger, M.S., OTR/L

May 15, 2012

Is the Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) typically completed only at the initial evaluation or can it be completed at various times during the course of your treatment with an individual?   Read More


IADL Safety with Dementia

Michelle Hediger, M.S., OTR/L

May 15, 2012

At what stage of dementia would you want to begin to speak with caregivers about safety with IADL performance (i.e. driving and money management)?   Read More

Desserts as a Reward with Picky Eaters

Britt Collins, MS, OTR/L

May 15, 2012

Should kids get a reward, such as a dessert, for trying new foods?   Read More


Contraindications of Sensory Strategies

Britt Collins, MS, OTR/L

May 15, 2012

Are there any contraindications or negative consequences of implementing the wrong sensory strategy for a child?   Read More

Use of Myoelectric Prosthesis with Frail Clients

Joyce Tyler, OTR/L, CHT

May 11, 2012

Can a myoelectric prosthesis work on a frail person without muscle bulk?   Read More

Staff Receptiveness to Increased Movement in Class

Britt Collins, MS, OTR/L

May 11, 2012

Have you found that schools and staff are receptive to increased movement strategies in class?   Read More

Frequency of Reevaulation of Custom Seating Options

Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS

May 11, 2012

How often do you reevaluate after fitting someone with a custom seating system?   Read More

Frequency of re-assessing positioning with chronic, fixed conditions

Michelle Hediger, M.S., OTR/L

February 27, 2012

What would you recommend in terms of frequency of reassessing a client when you’re dealing with a chronic or a more fixed condition, like a fixed kyphotic posture or a fixed scoliosis? What woul...   Read More

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